Types of tourism in Saudi Arabia

  There are two main types of tourism in Saudi Arabia, the religious tourism and the leisure tourism.

Ø  Religious tourism It is the type of tourism that is associated with religion. We can see that every year millions of Muslims are visiting Saudi Arabia to perform the pilgrimage in Makkah. In the holy mosque, which is considered as the largest mosque in the world. Every Muslim can do several activities there, such as doing some of the rites of pilgrimage and taking Umrah, praying there. Also, they can drink Zamzam water for free (Ozturk, Aslan and Altinoz, 2021).

 Another attraction sights for Muslims are the Prophet's Mosque. It is in a country called Al-Madinah. Muslims love to visit this Mosque because of the Prophet Muhammad.

Ø  Leisure tourism On the other hand, this type of tourism is associated with entertainment and relaxation. Saudi has an advantage in this type because there is a lot of places that can fulfil all the tasset of any tourist. So, if you like to spend your holiday nearby the sea, Saudi will suggest you visit Jeddah. And if you are a person who likes to enjoy the nature, you can visit Abha, which is a city with a great climate and a lot of mountains and valleys there. And if you like the crowded cities or modern cities, you can visit Riyadh that is the capital city. It has many high skyscapes with shopping centres and restaurants.


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